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Figma UI Design SkillGuide


Figma offers various exporting options that allow you to save your design assets in different formats for further use, whether it's for development, sharing with stakeholders, or integrating with other tools. Here are the different types of exporting options in Figma:

  1. Exporting Assets:

    • Single Assets: Select a single element (like a shape, image, or icon) and right-click. Choose "Export Selection" to save it as a separate image file.
    • Export All Assets: Go to the "File" menu, select "Export" and then choose "Selected Frames" or "Selected Objects". This exports all the selected elements as separate image files.
  2. Exporting Artboards or Frames:

    • Single Artboard or Frame: Right-click on the artboard or frame you want to export and select "Export Frame".
    • Multiple Artboards or Frames: Select multiple artboards or frames, right-click, and choose "Export Frames". Figma will generate individual image files for each artboard or frame.
  3. Exporting as PDF:

    • Go to the "File" menu and select "Export".
    • Choose "PDF" from the list of export formats. You can export the entire page or selected frames as a PDF document.
  4. Exporting as SVG:

    • SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is a versatile format for vector images.
    • To export as SVG, go to the "File" menu, select "Export", and choose "SVG". You can export the entire page or selected frames as SVG files.
  5. Exporting as PNG, JPEG, or WebP:

    • Go to the "File" menu and select "Export".
    • Choose either "PNG", "JPEG", or "WebP" from the list of export formats.
    • You can customize the export settings, such as selecting a scale factor, specifying the file name format, and adjusting the quality for JPEG and WebP.
  6. Exporting Assets for Development:

    • Figma allows you to export assets in multiple scales, which is useful for various screen resolutions.
    • For exporting assets for development, select the element, go to the "Design" tab in the right sidebar, and click the "Export" button. This opens the export dialog where you can choose formats, sizes, and settings.
  7. Exporting for Prototyping:

    • Figma's prototype mode allows you to create interactive prototypes.
    • To share a prototype, click on the "Present" button at the top-right corner. You'll be provided with a link to the interactive prototype.
  8. Exporting Code:

    • Figma allows you to generate code snippets for design elements to aid developers in implementing the design.
    • Select an element, right-click, and choose "Copy/Paste" or "Copy/Paste CSS" to copy the corresponding code snippet.
  9. Exporting for Development with Plugins:

    • Figma's plugin ecosystem includes tools like "Zeplin" and "Anima" that facilitate exporting designs and assets for developers in a format that's optimized for implementation.
  10. Exporting Text Styles and Color Palettes:

    • Figma allows you to copy text styles and color palettes to paste them into development environments or other design tools.

These exporting options ensure that your Figma designs can be seamlessly integrated into various workflows, from development to collaboration and sharing with clients or stakeholders. The flexibility of export formats caters to different needs and ensures that your design assets retain their quality and accuracy outside of the Figma environment.